Monday, February 12, 2007

my blog is beginning to look a little bare.

thus, i've decided to add some photos from last year, mostly from my trip to Australia (:

oh and i've stepped out of my cave recently and downloaded picasa. so i took the liberty to edit some photos.


solution pools (once a geog student, always a geog student. heh.)
part of the great ocean road. taken from a helicopter. (yes! i got to ride in one!)
a lonely stack.
how come every time you come around my London London Bridge wanna go down?
a nice beach.
an arch (:
another shot from the helicopter.this photo is gorgeous. heh.
yes, aussies do love their alcochol.whee!!
my sister. haha.

i think these were seals. or maybe sea lions. or seals. or sealions. i'm not sure.

even dogs enjoy starbucks.

i took this shot!! i think it's emo. heh.
yay (:

and last but not least,

all i want you to do is be my love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.