Monday, April 30, 2007

ok i'm in class now.
i have to invigilate a 1hr30mins compre test.
and i'm very very bored because
a) i have nothing much to mark at the moment, just a lot of other things to do. and all these other things can't be done while invigilating.
b) it's too early in the morning to be doing serious work. my brain is still hibernating.
c)i'm still very tired after the church outing to the zoo yesterday.
thus, i am sitting in front of my laptop and pretending to be planning my lesson or whatever with the computer while surfing the blogs of other people. ah yes, and i decided to revisit some older entries from my previous blog.
and i came across this.
on 5th april '05 i wrote "new class's not too bad. the ppl there are really nice and it's quite fun too..yup yup. so hopefully it will be a really fun experience in that class."
it's quite funny to read it now, and actually realise that 2aa2 turned out to be the fun, crazy, noisy, whacky class that i expected it to be, and so much more.
and also, reading my older entries has made me realise how much i have matured. *ahem* yes, i have! it almost irks me to read about the things i thought about or said back then, because right now, after JC, a lot of our perspectives have changed. we no longer live merely from day-to-day, hoping to scrap through our exams with whatever last minute work we've crammed in. instead, most of us have now had a taste of the working life or army, for the guys. and now the decisions we make have a much greater impact on our future than before. now, we think further ahead. for most of us, when we select our courses in university or even our universities for that matter, we can practically see our careers slowly falling into place. and all the wishful ambitions that we've had since we were children such as "mummy, i want to be an astronaut!!" "mummy, i want to be a rockstar!!" "mummy, i want to be a tai tai!!" slowly begin to disappear. save for maybe the "tai tai" part though, for the so-called lucky few who have filthy rich boyfriends :)
ah yes, and so the saying goes.
"like sands through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives"
hah. talk about corny.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Sunday, April 22, 2007

a thought struck me today:
i'm at the PRIME of my youth.
yes, the PRIME.
ah, i should live life to the fullest now, this should be the moment.
but then again, that could mean being foolish, worldly and selfish.
thus, i shall try my utmost best abstain from 'fleshly lusts' as 1 Peter aptly put it.
still, it's a comforting and thrilling thought to be at the PRIME of your youth - the age where your parents begin to let go and you begin to start being more of yourself and less of who everyone wants you to be. SWEET (:
on a sidenote: tv serials can be so insightful. (and i'm not just saying this from a bimbotic point of view)

Friday, April 20, 2007

those were the days

these are the days of endless dreamin'
troubles of life are floatin' away like a bird of flight

Monday, April 16, 2007

haha that's us at sports day i.e. the relief teachers.

yay i love my 4gy shirt!! "4gy... is like whoa."

i stole those photos from charissa wong's blog. heh. i bet she doesn't even know that i read her blog. it's quite fun to read about people that you used to know, and to see how they have changed, and then to catch up with them again finally after so long. and as they tell you about the things they have done etc, all you can do is try your best to hide that knowing smile. nahaha. sneaky eh?

now you know.

well, my time at sc is slowly coming to an end. 1 and a half more months! honestly, i can't wait to be out of work and to be unemployed, to have no obligations, commitments whatsoever. on the other hand, i know i'll miss my students. they have made life a challenge for the past 4 months and it'll be hard not to see them everyday once all this comes to an end. well for now, i just want to be over and done with all the marking, keying in of CA marks and mundane yet stressful demands of this job. yup, alas, this has become a job, no longer something that i look forward to. however, there are many things to be thankful for. like how the craziest, noisiest 14 year olds and turn into the sweetest, most grateful and teachable human beings just when you least expect it. such things do make your day (:

a question has been lingering at the back of my mind for the past few days;

is it ok to hurt someone in order to protect yourself?
does it make you self-centered or is it only right that you do so? is it only permissible when you want to prevent yourself from hurting the other person even more? or is it just a defence mechanism that prevents you from hurting yourself even more?

Oh, would you please get out from under my skin?
'Cause I can't begin this yet
And I don't know what my intentions are
They're speaking in a different tongue
And, deep inside, I'm not as tough as I seem
But I won't let you know
Until it's right, I'm gonna stay my distance, and you should go
Oh, would you please get out
I'm not as strong as I seem, but I won't let you know